Mighty Bright XtraFlex2 LED Light - Color Silver

I just returned from vacation where I really put this light through its paces. Overall, I like this reading light but there is one major flaw which keeps me from loving it.


- light weight
- two levels of brightness (very helpful)
- light is easy to position to just the right spot
- clips on and stays where you put it (even with a Kindle)
- LED means a long battery life and don't have to carry extras


- where the on/off switch is located (on the light head itself) and because it is turned on by pushing it in, it is VERY EASY to turn it on accidentally. As I was packing it into my luggage, I accidentaly turned it on and again when removing it from my luggage. I had visions of it being bumped during the flight and finding out the light had been on for many hours without my knowledge. I suppose I could take the batteries out every time I pack it, but don't really like that additional step. Even when just moving it from one spot to another in my own house, I had to learn how to hold it to not cause it to come on (one time it did and was directly in my eyes -- I saw spots for a while!).

Buy Mighty Bright XtraFlex2 LED Light - Color Silver!


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