Buying My Big Girl Potty

This book does a nice job of illustrating and explaining to kids the very first steps in using a potty - offering encouraging words about sitting on the potty and reassuring comments from the "Mommy" and "Daddy." There are several pages that talk about trying, but not succeeding, in using the potty, and reassuring kids that this is OK - I don't know, but the concept of being anxious about not getting any pee in the potty when trying seemed lost on my kids. For parents it might be frustrating, but my 28-month-old twins have never seemed to be conflicted or stressed when they have tried to use the potty and nothing came out. This book does not really stress the pride and excitement of leaving diapers behind all-together - something that I was really looking for to help my kids WANT to take the final steps in potty training. I will have to purchase additional books to get that message across, and wouldn't recommend this book if your kids are already somewhat familiar with sitting on the potty and trying to go to the bathroom.Get more detail about My Big Girl Potty.


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