Save LeapFrog® Tag Reading System (16 MB)
This is a great idea, unfortunately LeapFrog doesn't seem to have a clue about teaching children. The fatal flaw is, each page has a button which reads the whole page. Once your child finds this, they will no longer bother touching the words, and suddenly the educational value drops to zero. Of course LeapFrog could easily disable this function, but they don't give you a way to do it. I will probably have to take a magic marker to the books to black out the button.
Another problem is the toy constantly tells the child to go online to unlock more features, so they can try to get you to spend more money - which means your child is constantly bugging you.
Another problem is, I might buy more books, but they put hardly any memory in these things - even though flash memory is so cheap now - so the only way to do that would be to delete the books I already downloaded. Then my daughter would want to read her old books, and I'd have to reload them - a very slow process. Therefore I will not be buying any more books. Really dumb move by LeapFrog not putting more memory in these things.
Finally just some nitpicking - the edges of the books are hard and very sharp. Another thing LeapFrog could have fixed if they had any kind of QA on their products.Get more detail about LeapFrog® Tag Reading System (16 MB).
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